I started the embodied Mindfulness circle in April of 2020. New York State had just locked down because of the pandemic and I was asked to start offering online classes by LMHF/Erie County, with whom I have a long term professional relationship facilitating stress reduction classes, and working with supervisor trainings in-person. So I entered the online world of zoom–which until then was a word unknown to me and adjusted like everyone else–on how to connect virtually.

The circle slowly became a reassuring and consistent weekly touch stone to connect, destress, get in touch with our bodies and feel less alone and disconnected during a confusing and chaotic time in our lives. It grew into beautiful community made of people from all different places, departments and backgrounds. LMHF generously always allowed for the the circle be open to everybody, not only members.

To make a long story short the online circle is still going strong after 3 years!!

Circle starts at 12:05pmEST every Tuesday and we pretty much follow always the same format every week:

  • starting with a centering practice

  • we continue with a stretching and deep breathing sequence

  • a silent meditation, poetry reading, open circle and drawing an oracle card

The circle ends at 12:50pm so that those who join from their offices and only have an hour lunch break have some extra time before returning to work.

You are welcome to join

Would love to see you! When you sign up for the newsletter you will the get the log in information and it is also posted on my social media every week.