After purchasing a service you will receive a confirmation email. Felicitas will email you within 24 hours of purchase to schedule your appointment/s. Felicitas usually has availability within two weeks of receiving an appointment request. If you purchased a service as a gift, please send a separate email to Felicitas and you will receive a personalized electronic gift card you can email or text to the recipient within 24 hours/
Astrological birth chart consultation~ Price: $120
( 60min)
Astrological profile and transits consultation package ( 3 sessions on zoom, 60 min) ~Price: $270
( Birth chart, Transits & Integration)
Single Coaching session~ Price $98 (or follow up astrological consultation)
On zoom, 60 min.
Coaching and astrology 6 sessions ~Price: $500
Coaching journey~ Price $980 ( 8 sessions )